Church Life Today

Edge of Belief: UFO’s, Technology, and the Catholic Imagination, with Brett Robinson

OSV Podcasts

How should Catholics think about UFOs? How can the Church respond to evolving scientific discoveries? What are the boundaries for Catholic belief?

These are the kinds of questions at the heart of a new documentary short film produced by The McGrath Institute for Church Life. "Edge of Belief: UFOs, Technology & The Catholic Imagination," explores the outer limits of belief.

Today, the film’s producer, who is also my friend and colleague, Professor Brett Robinson, joins me to talk about this project: its aims, its audience, and its intrigue.

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Church Life Today is a partnership between the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame and OSV Podcasts from Our Sunday Visitor. Discover more ways to live, learn, and love your Catholic faith at Sharing stories, starting conversations.